Term 3 Week 7 2023
Key Information
Uniform Shop
Principal's News
Pastoral Care
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
UMY Spotlight
Deadly Dancers Opportunity
Student Wellbeing
St Joseph's Catholic School & St Colman's Catholic Parish Fete
St Joseph's School Blessing
Fathers Day Stall
Community Information
Key Information
Term 3 Important Dates
- Friday 25th August - School Fete
- Monday 28th August to Friday 1st September - Father's Day Stall
- Thursday 31st August - Father's Day Breakfast & Song, Blessing of Primary Buildings & Bush Dance
- Friday 8th September - Cross Country
- Week 9 - Child Safety Week
- Monday 11th & Tuesday 12th September - Prep Enrolment Interviews
- Wednesday 13th September - R U OK Day
- Thursday 14th September - Vinnie's Hang Out Evening
- Friday 15th September - Free Dress Day and Last Day of School
Term 4
- Tuesday 3rd October - First day for Term 4
- Friday 13th October - Rock Pop Concert
Tuckshop News
Please email Jamie-Lea on jmcconachy@sjctsv.catholic.edu.au or call the office to let us know if you're available to volunteer!
Our special for Week 7 is: Taco Dog, M & M Biscuit and a Popper
Please have your orders in by WEDNESDAY 8:30am.
To order: https://myschoolconnect.com.au/
Uniform Shop
Open Days:
- Monday: 2.30pm-3pm
- Wednesday: 8:10am-8:30am
Any requests for uniforms outside of these days MUST be done via the link below. Please click the link to access the Uniform shop! https://myschoolconnect.com.au/
Principal's News
Welcome to Week 7,
What a big week we had last week. A thank you to the family and friends that came along to celebrate Learning Breakfast and Book Week on Friday. I have unfortunately travelled home this week after a death in my family, but I look forward to being back in Week 8. I am sad to be missing our annual fete. The night is magical every year, to see so many different members of our community coming together for a night of laughter and fun is amazing. This wouldn’t have been possible without the work of Miss Mia. Miss Mia we are so thankful for the time, planning and dedication you have put into our 2023 Fete!
St Joseph’s Catholic School & St Colman’s Parish Fete:
Our Fete is less than a week away! Although a lot of our classes don’t need volunteers from parents/carers at their stall, we do need your help with other St Joseph's run stalls. Follow this link https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/ypp5d, log in and see what stalls need help. Your help is greatly appreciated and goes a long way to making this event a success.
The school is still looking for donations of household goods to fill up our assorted items wheelbarrow. This wheelbarrow is used as a prize at the Fete so we want it to be chock-a-block.
All classes are completing an artwork for the fete, which can be won at The Silent Auction. Make sure you go and check out the silent auction on the night and place a bid on our masterpiece.
If you are looking at attending the Fete, you can pre-buy ticket cards that will be used on the day. This ticket system will run in a similar fashion to the ticket cards which are used on Cloncurry Race, Show and Rodeo Days. If you are definitely coming, we recommend purchasing some or all of your tickets before the Fete so you can avoid long cues.
Good Luck to Heidi Barker, Charles Carstairs, Nika Sala, Harrison Scobie, Kimberlee Davis, Knox Swalling, Ruby Hansen, Kali Poch, Peggie Hansen, Chelsea Saunders, Grace Swalling, Olivia Curry, Jasmine Kidd, Lillian Bell and James Barker who are representing St Joseph’s at Opti-Minds this Saturday. A big thank you to Mrs. Delaney-Lovett, Mr. Delaney and Mr. Tarleton for giving up their time to ensure our students are well prepared. Best of luck to you all!
Industrial Action - Wednesday 23rd of August 2023:
Last week you received an email about Industrial Action planned for Wednesday, 23 August 2023. This action will go ahead tomorrow, however, we are not anticipating that this action will have an effect on our school and therefore we will be operating as per usual.
If you have any questions, please contact the school office on (07) 4742 1633.
May God Bless you for the week ahead. I look forward to hearing all about the fete upon my return.
Kind Regards,
Mrs Samantha Kelley
Welcome to Week 7!
What a busy week we have ahead of us with our ever popular St Joseph’s and St Colman’s Fete! A huge thank you goes out to all our staff and parents who have offered their time to support this wonderful event. I would like to acknowledge the outstanding job Mia Dickson has done as our Fete Coordinator. Our Fete brings immense joy to our community and we are so very lucky to have such wonderful staff and parents who offer their time to make these events such a success. We are still needing a few more fete volunteers so please log on and add your name to a free spot https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/ypp5d .
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our annual learning breakfast last Friday. The learning that takes place within our walls is very much a combination of wonderful teachers and school officers and the commitment and hard work of our students. Their successes are certainly a cause for acknowledgment and celebration.
Prayer for our Learners
Dear God, Thank you for the gift of education in every form.
We are blessed with the ability to learn and grow.
May our students grace be their guide and,
May hope be their compass towards a bright future.
May they use their eyes to see the needs of those around them
and a heart to love fully.
May our students face each day with positivity,
knowing that no matter what comes their way,
they do not have to face it alone.
Aged Care Class Visits
Last Friday our Year 5 Class visited the residence of the Cloncurry Aged Care. The students and the residents had a blast playing Bingo. Once again our students were beautifully behaved and represented the school proudly. The residents really do look forward to our visits and it is such a pleasure to see the smiles on everyone’s faces! Our next planned visit is in week 9. We have invited the residents to school to watch the students perform their bush dances. We are really looking forward to hosting the residents at school.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs Therese Curley
Pastoral Care
Homework Club
Just a reminder about Homework Club which is on every Thursday from 3pm-4pm. This is a great opportunity for students to get their homework done before getting home and getting help if they have trouble with a concept.
They don’t have to stay the whole time and can bring a snack to eat while they work. Homework Club is open to all students in Years 5-9.
Exam Stress - How to manage your time
The amount of work you get at school can seem daunting, but there are tools and tactics you can use to plan your time. If you set goals, make plans, write notes, limit distractions, make time to chill and get help when you need it, you can get everything done.
So little time...
If you’re studying, it can sometimes seem like there’s not enough time to do it all, but there are tools you can use to plan your time effectively.
Make plans, score goals
Set out a list of what you want to achieve, and for each item, write down what you’ll need to do. Make it manageable and achievable. The idea is not to freak yourself out, but to chart a course to where you want to be. As you work through the list, you’ll see yourself approaching and reaching your goals.
Write it down
Write down appointments, notes and ideas in a diary or notebook, and use a wall planner so that important dates (or just planned fun times) don’t pass you by.
Limit distractions
The internet is pretty great, right? We agree. But with instant messaging, social networks and email, it provides a heap of ways to procrastinate and distract yourself. Limit your time chatting and fooling about in your breaks, and shut down these distractions while you’re studying. The same goes for talking and messaging on your phone. You’ll get a lot more done.
Take breaks
If you plan to study every single minute you’ve got, you’ll probably end up stressed and unhappy. Make sure you’ve got time to do things you like that relax you. Whether it’s sports, video games, music or anything else, don’t let it go just because you’re studying.
If you need help, get it
Time-management is a skill. Like any skill, some people are better at it than others. If you’re struggling with it, talk to someone who can help – teachers, friends and family.
Mr Dom Purcell
Acting Pastoral Care Leader
Welcome to Fete Week!
Thank you to those of you who have already bought in playdoh and fun things to add to the playdoh bundles. We hope to have this bagged by Wednesday so please bring items to school before then. As previously mentioned we do not need help with our stall (except maybe someone to cover me so I can get something for dinner), however, help is needed on other stalls.
Follow this link https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/ypp5d, log in and see what stalls need help.
In Prep this week the class will learn the sounds "x" and "y" and the words "like" and "very". Over the next few weeks, I will be individually testing students to get a better understanding of their ability to connect letters to the sounds they represent and to read and write short texts using their knowledge of letter sounds and the Tricky words that have been taught. This information will be used to provide more individualised support to the students that need it. Please continue to practice Tricky Words and letter sounds at home and to read home readers with your child. Let me know if you have lost your list of words and sounds. During science the class will continue to explore how objects move based on their characteristics and in maths we will begin our data unit. The Bush Dance evening is fast approaching so Prep will also be practicing our dance. On Thursday morning I will attend a meeting to discuss the Early Years Test data. We will look at the growth of the students since the beginning of the year. I have already had a brief look at the data and am really pleased with the results. This data will help us to plan lessons that are relevant to student needs.
Tuesday - sport
Thursday - tuckshop and bring home reader folders back
Friday - library, assembly and the fete
Yours in fun and learning, Mrs McLauchlan, Miss Tamara, Miss Brie
Year 1
Welcome to Fete Week!
This week is a busy week of learning and getting ready for our Fete this Friday!
This week in English, we are continuing to look at identifying characters, settings and events in different types of literature. When reading books at home, ask your child to identify the characters and setting. We are also learning about contractions (a contraction is when we change two words into one) in books to see if your child can identify the two words that were made into one word. E.g Didn't (Did - not ) Couldn't (Could not)
In Mathematics over the last week, Year 1 has started to represent and solve simple addition and subtraction problems using a range of strategies including counting on, partitioning and rearranging parts. This week we are consolidating learning on the counting on strategy and looking at the new strategy of double addition.
Tuesday: this week we have library on Tuesday please remember to send your child with their your library bag
Sport is on Wednesday. Children may wear their Sport Uniform to school.
Friday: Assembly and after school the FETE
Homework will be handed out on Friday. Homework, if your child has outstanding books it would be great if they were brought back.
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Brock, Miss Haley and the always fun Year 1’s!
Year 2
Hi all,
During Writing and HASS this week, students are beginning to create Informative Texts on Ernest Henry, Burke and Wills or John Flynn. In Maths, we a continuing to look at shapes. In Science, we are looking into Earth’s resources and how they are used in a variety of ways. We will also be examining messages and advertising during Health and communicating about music we hear and make.
Thank you to everyone who has donated jars, knicks knacks and treats for our class fete stall. I am looking forward to seeing everyone at the fete on Friday.
We have worked hard on our class artwork for the silent auction at the fete. Please check it out!
Homework - Homework day is Wednesday
Library - Friday Week A (1, 3, 5, 7, 9)
Resilience Project - Friday Week B (2, 4, 6, 8, 10)
Have a great week,
Miss Ansell
Year 3
Welcome to Week 7!
Wow, how great was it to see so many awesome Book Week characters last Friday!
Here’s what we are learning this week:
English: Students have been busy researching an Australian animal, recording and categorising their research into subheadings. This week students will begin writing an information text about their chosen animal, using the subheadings they generated and the facts they researched.
Spelling: Students will be focusing on the sound ‘or’ as in sport, which is represented by the graphemes or, ore, a, au, and aw.
Maths: Students have completed their unit on measurement and will now start exploring money!
Religion: Students will continue to learn about how we can live a moral life and how the Beatitudes can play a key role in their lives.
Health: In Health this week, students will be exploring various responses to change and how those changes can affect their feelings and emotions in different ways.
HASS: This week students will explore what life is like in Indonesia, investigating characteristics such as culture, languages, food, settlement, population and climate.
Other Reminders:
- Homework - Homework will be taken home Monday
- Chaplain’s Breakfast - Tuesday & Thursday at 7:45am in MMS
- Tuckshop - Must be ordered before 8:30am Wednesday
- Rock Pop - Thursday 3pm-4pm
- Cake Stall Donations - Friday 7:45am-3:30pm
- School Fete - Friday 6-9pm
I hope you all have a great week.
Laura Cook
Year 4
Hi all,
Writing: Our sentence focus for this week is The -ing Start Sentence. This sentence slows writing down. And because -ing Start Sentences slow things down, they help make your writing feel more thoughtful. To write an -ing Start, begin with the -ing bit of your sentence (a verb ending in -ing like: walking, wondering, trying, sleeping) and then place a comma. After the comma, put your subject—that's who or what your sentence is about—and then finish your sentence. Check these out:
- Waving goodbye to her friends, Kate put on her coat and headed outside.
- Eating as fast as he could, Brian worked his way through the pile of hotdogs.
- Smiling to himself, Boris grabbed the custard pie from the pantry's top shelf.
Spelling: Our spelling sound this week is the ‘or’ sound in horse. It can be represented by the graphemes: or, ore, a, aw and au.
- We usually use a for horse before ‘l or ll’ (e.g. all, call, fall, also, always).
- The grapheme ar for horse is often used after ‘w wh or u’ (e.g. warm, quarter).
- The grapheme al for horse is uncommon, but it is used in a few high frequency words (e.g. talk, walk).
- The grapheme or for horse contains the letter r, but the ‘r’ sound is not present (e.g. sport).
- The grapheme o can represent horse before the ‘r’ sound (e.g. story).
- Fete - The school Fete is on THIS Friday.
- Tuckshop - Please make sure Tuckshop orders are placed by Wednesday morning.
- Library - Students will not visit the library this week.
- PE - Students have PE on Thursday.
Have a great week,
Mairin Borlase
Year 5
Dear Families,
Last week was especially action packed! I'd like to say a huge thank you for your support with Book Week and our visit to Aged Care at Cloncurry Hospital. I witnessed first hand the amazing work that happens there and was so impressed with the welcome and the behaviour and support shown by our children during the visit. Special thank you to Peta, Tamara and Toni for helping with transport and time taken from their day. This was a valuable life lesson to show care for others and add our light to their lives - winning at Bingo was secondary to bringing joy into the room.
ENGLISH: Our reading continues to be focussed on comprehension strategies especially studying literal and inferred meaning and word meaning in context. In spelling, we are investigating the multiple graphemes used to represent the phoneme (sound) [au, aw, ore, or, a] and also investigate homophones and continued work on Latin Origins - prefix aud- (hear) and auto- (self). We will also return to the Lawyer Paragraph structure and continue with our Daily Challenges with a focus on writing for a sustained period of time.
MATHEMATICS: In our maths work, we have continued to discuss angles - estimating and measuring accurately. We have discussed Acute (being less than 900) and Right-Angle being exactly 900. Next up we will measure angles between 900 and 1800 as Obtuse. There are several online Fractions games to keep learning fresh - focus is on adding fractions with the same denominator and making visuals for different fractions. Our Think Mentals continue to be revision of the four operations - adding decimals, multiplication and division strategies, data, probability and chance questions will be investigated.
Good Luck to Peggie, James, Grace, Jasmine, Olivia, Lillian and Chelsea who are representing St Joseph’s at Opti-Minds this Saturday. Remember to keep checking out the Y5 News Website - photos of Book Week and Aged Care this week.
Wishing you all a great week 7 - see you at the Fete on Friday!
Mike Tarleton
Year 6
Welcome to Week 7
This week we have been focusing on Transformations in Math. How to take an object and reflect it, Rotate it, and Translate it. Students have enjoyed working in small groups– creating shapes- and having their group members transform those shapes on Grid Paper.
In English and Hass the class has been working on creating a number of different sentence types around Federation that they can include in their newspaper article writing. They will use these sentences created as a sentence bank to access during their assessment writing task.
In Science, we have continued looking at Microorganisms. They have researched the inventor of the microscope: Anton Van Leeuwenhoek. Students have accessed and used microscopes and understood their importance when looking at organisms that can’t be seen unless they are magnified.
We have also had a great time continuing to practice our Bush Dance: Cha Cha Slide!
It’s been a busy week!
UMY Spotlight
Yr 8 Food tech with Shara Humes
In Food Tech this term, students have been looking at food and fibre production, specifically the managed environments in which this happens. We have looked at how these processes could be more sustainable in the long run, and what might need to happen to achieve this. There have been discussions around the materials that could be used, as well as the various tools and equipment that they would select if setting up a garden of their own or here at school. Some of the suggestions so far include using old tyres as garden beds, or some PVC piping to build a vertical garden space.
On top of this, we have also engaged in practical cooking lessons where students are continuing to develop key life skills and a bank of recipes for the future. So far everything they’ve produced has been delicious, so why not ask your child to cook one of the meals for you one evening? Should they claim it is impossible having misplaced or lost a recipe, please reach out to me and I’ll supply another one to you directly. I personally think the scrolls we made a couple weeks ago were particularly successful.
Yr 7/8 Language with James Delaney
This term, the students have been learning about email writing in Japanese. We have discussed the differences in sentence structure, email structure and requirements, how to appropriately greet and sign off emails, and how to present information about our personal worlds. In addition, the students have been interpreting a back and forth email chain each week or two to practice their recognition and comprehension of predictable texts. Below are examples of emails that the students have been tasked with interpreting - with the use of word banks, kana charts and example sentence structures in romaji (romanized/English characters).
The students will draft their own emails detailing their age, grade, where they live, their favourite food, discussing pastimes, and expressing thanks. These emails will be distributed between the class and they will be required to interpret the emails and respond to them accordingly.
Deadly Dancers Opportunity
Student Wellbeing
Having the alcohol discussion
Talking to your teenager about alcohol consumption and the potential dangers associated with it can be tricky and overwhelming. However, no matter how difficult this conversation may be, it is an important one to have in order to ensure the safety of our young people.
The legal drinking age in all Australian states and territories is 18 years, however this does not deter some adolescents from experimenting with alcohol. Health experts say that young people are at greater risk of alcohol-related harm than adults as it increases the risk of damage to their developing brain. It is a substance that affects their body, behaviour and decision-making abilities, highlighting the importance of preventing or limiting your teenager’s alcohol use.
End of school and the impending festive season may be a cause for celebration for many teenagers ready to party and wanting to put this year behind them. However, the impact of the pandemic has experts concerned that these celebrations may involve excessive alcohol consumption and result in risky behaviour. Parent and carers can help minimise these risks by influencing sensible drinking habits. It is important to outline the rules and boundaries around age-appropriate alcohol consumption and what the legal implications may be. Although many teenagers are fully aware of the dangers, they put more value on the reward than adults.
Start the conversation today. Parents and carers need to educate their children on when, where and how to drink responsibly.
If you require further guidance or information, contact the Alcohol and Drug Foundation Helpline on 1300 85 85 84 for free confidential support.
St Joseph's Catholic School & St Colman's Catholic Parish Fete
The Fete is this week! We are very excited for this year's event, however we need your help to make it happen. We need volunteers! A link has been sent out via emails to families asking them to volunteer for just one hour of their night (if you can do more, you are a champion!). If you missed this email use the QR code below to get on and register your availability to one of our school run stalls.
Alternatively use this link: https://www.schoolinterviews.com.au/code/ypp5d
If for any reason you have trouble, come into the office and we will book you in.
St Joseph's School Blessing
Fathers Day Stall
Reminder: Fathers Day Breakfast is on Thursday August 31st, MMS, 7.45am - 8.15am.
Community Information
Under New Management and Employing locals
We are looking to hire:
Housekeepers, School hours available – flexible with days.
Receptionist for front office M - F – we can teach you our reservation system however you must have some computer experience.
Breakfast staff – Saturday 6.30am – 9.30am
We are employing locally to support the Cloncurry community.
If you are interested in any of the roles, please pop into the Motel to discuss or phone Monica on 0408 551 834