Term 2 Week 10 2023
Key Information
Uniform Shop
Principal's News
Pastoral Care
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Prep to Yr 6 Sport Recap
NAIDOC Week 2023 - Week 10
Student Wellbeing
Chaplaincy Breakfast
Fete - Save the Date!
$5000 Cash Draw!
Community Information
Library Activities Calendar - June
St Andrews Church Kids Club
St Joseph's School Blessing
Key Information
Term 2 Important Dates
- Tuesday 20th June - Books in Homes - 9.45am
- Wednesday 21st June - Whole School Didirri - 1.50pm
- Thursday 22nd June - Ride to School Day
- Friday 23rd June - NAIDOC Liturgy, Dress like your teacher day and Last Day of Term 2
Term 3 Important Dates
- Monday 10th July - 1st day of Term 3
- Thursday 13th July - 100 Days of Prep, QLD Ballet Visit, Youth Ministry Visit
- Friday 14th July - NAIDOC March
- Monday 17th July - Friday 21st July - Mulkadee
- Monday 24th July and Friday 28th July - Catholic Education Week
- Wednesday 26th July - Dress by Vinnies Free Dress Day
- Wednesday 2nd July - Bravehearts - Prep to Year 2
- Friday 4th August - Merry Muster - IPRASS
- Monday 7th August - Earth Science Workshop - Year 7, 8 and 9
- Tuesday 8th August - Mary MacKillop Feast Day Activities and Mass
- Friday 11th August - Staff Appreciation Day
- Monday 14th August - Friday 18th August - Book Week & Science Week
- Friday 18th August - Learning Breakfast and Book Week Dress Up
- Friday 25th August - School Fete
- Thursday 31st August - Bush Dance
- Friday 8th September - Cross Country
Tuckshop News
Miss Jamie-Lea is searching for some more volunteers if there are some available! Please email Jamie-Lea on jmcconachy@sjctsv.catholic.edu.au or call the office to let us know you are keen.
Our Special for Week 10 is: Sushi Bowl, a Banana Caramel Cake and a Popper
Please have your orders in by WEDNESDAY 8:30am
To order: myschoolconnect.com.au
Uniform Shop
Open Days:
- Monday: 2.30pm-3pm
- Wednesday: 8:10am-8:30am
Any requests for uniforms outside of these days MUST be done via the link below. Please click the link to access the Uniform shop! https://myschoolconnect.com.au/
Principal's News
Welcome to Week 10,
Can you believe we are already at the halfway mark for the year? The holidays are so close! We have had a great week already and we are only 2 days in. On Monday we began the week with our Call to Action Assembly which saw Flinders and Kennedy competing against one another in a range of challenges. Today we had a visit from Glencore for Books in Homes to deliver books to our students in prep to year 6 and a student vs staff netball game at first break. We are hoping to have a staff vs students competition each fortnight in Semester 2.
NAIDOC Celebrations
NAIDOC week this year will be celebrated from the 2nd - 9th of July, however, as we are on school holidays we will be celebrating NAIDOC week this week, being the 19th-23rd of July. The NAIDOC theme for 2023 is For our Elders.
The 2023 theme emphasises the importance Elders have played, and continue to play, holding a prominent place in our communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones.
Our students have participated in a Deadly Door Competition which will be announced on Wednesday afternoon. Prep to Year 3 have completed a dot painting activity on a Wooden Animal today. Our Year 4 to Year 9 students will participate in a Bracelet Weaving workshop tomorrow and on Friday we will have our NAIDOC Liturgy in the Mary MacKillop Shed at 8.30am. We will also have a whole school Didirre in the primary courtyard at 1.50pm on Wednesday afternoon. We would love for you to join us!
There have been quite a few illnesses this week as students are presenting with high fevers and flu-like symptoms.
This is a friendly reminder to please ensure students are remaining home from school if they are unwell and/or contagious.
St Joseph’s Catholic School is working towards improving our sustainability. There is a recycling bin located at the back of the school behind the Church. Students are encouraged to add their plastic bottles to this bin. If you have recycling at home please feel free to bring it in and add it to this bin. Alternatively you can contact Red Door yourself and get a recycling bin for home.
Dress like a teacher day
We are so excited to see the students creations on Friday at our assembly for Dress like your teacher day. I am surprised every year with the level of detail that goes into these costumes.
Staffing Update
I am delighted to announce the recruitment of two new staff members joining our team. Laura Cook will be joining our teaching team in Term 3 and Evelyn Ellis will be joining us in Term 4. Miss Laura Cook will be going into the Year 3 Classroom to cover the departure of Mrs Nicola Cullen.
At the end of the term we will see the departure of Mrs Vanessa Dodd, Mrs Amanda Corbett and Mrs Tania Laffey. We are so sad to be losing such wonderful ladies from our staffing body, but are very excited for them for their new adventure. Please join me in thanking Vanessa, Amanda and Tania this week for their contribution. It would be a nice touch if your child would like to write a letter of thanks to them as well.
Raffle tickets - Fete
Each year at our annual St Joseph's Catholic School and St Colman's Parish Fete there is a Multi Draw Raffle. Tickets for this raffle are sold by students. Today your child/ern will receive their tickets to begin selling. This year there are 15 tickets in each booklet, please do not feel as though your child must sell all of these tickets. Any tickets sold by students will support the event. All funds raised will be going towards the renovation of the Art and Drama building to create contemporary learning spaces for students.
If a student does sell all their raffle tickets and would like to sell more, additional ticket books are available at the school office. The prize for the student who sells the most tickets this year is a hoverboard. We encourage students to bring any completed ticket books to the office as soon as possible after being sold to avoid losing them. If by Friday 18th of August your child/ern have not sold all of their tickets this is completely fine, please bring in any tickets that have been sold.
The tickets are $2 each. Please ensure your child/ern record the name and phone number of anyone who purchases a ticket in the raffle. The winners will be drawn on the night of the Fete, however, they do not need to be there to win. Students will also be told this information in classes today. Attached below is a flyer for the Multi Draw Raffle. Attached to the front of each child's booklet is also information about the prizes and cost of tickets.
Please email Mia Dickson (mdickson@sjctsv.catholic.edu.au) our Fete Coordinator or come into the office and ask if you have any questions about your child selling these raffle tickets.
I wish all of our staff, students and families a safe and happy holiday period and look forward to welcoming you all back for Term 3 on Monday 10th July 2023.
May God bless you and your families for the week ahead,
Mrs Samantha Kelley
Welcome to Week 10! Last night our School Catholic Identity Committee met with the School Board to discuss revitalising our school’s Vision and Mission statements. Lee-Ann Barton our Religious Education Consultant gave clarity on what an inclusive Vision and Mission statement should aspire to.
The primary difference between a mission statement and a vision statement is that a mission statement describes the school’s current and/or founding identity and the key values that characterise the school as it is in the present. Whereas a vision statement, looks forward to the future. Oftentimes, a mission statement will begin with a phrase like “St Joseph's is…” while a vision statement might begin with “St Joseph's will be known for…”
While school mission and vision statements will likely arise from the same core values, they serve two different purposes. The mission statement speaks to the school’s operations in the present. The vision statement speaks to the school’s hopes and intentions for the future.
The Catholic Identitee Committee look forward to working on this project and bringing you a new and improved vision and mission statement.
As we head into the final days of Term 2, I would like to wish all our students, families and staff a restful and enjoyable break after yet another busy term. I look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 10th July.
Happy holidays.
Mrs Therese Curley
Pastoral Care
Well parents and caregivers, we made it! What an action packed term, and who can believe that we are almost at the end of June; where has 2023 gone? When looking at the school calendar 10 weeks ago, it was hard to see a day at SJC that did not have some event or activity scheduled. This leads me to my focus this week: parent & caregiver well being.
Raising children is an important job, and looking after yourself helps you do the job well. That’s because looking after yourself physically, mentally and emotionally helps you give your children what they need to grow and thrive. Looking after yourself involves looking after your relationships, your health and your wellbeing. With the busyness of life and focussing on our student’s schooling and activities, it’s easy to forget or run out of time to look after these parts of your life. But looking after yourself is worth it – it’s good for you and good for your children. Take the time to refresh yourselves over the holiday break with some of these techniques.
This is so simple and you can even fit it into your workday. Find the natural pauses in your day like waiting in traffic, standing in a queue or waiting for the kettle to boil. Rather than reach for your phone, use these moments to be still; check in with yourself, repeat your favourite mantra. Breathe deeply and release anything that is weighing you down. Not only will you be amazed at how many of these moments you can find in your day but also at the benefits that you feel from pausing just for a minute or two.
Would you like to make a change in your diet? You’re not alone. Most of us have something that we’d love to change, but we find it challenging for one reason or another. I know that it doesn’t always feel easy, but the benefits are long-lasting and help us age with increased health and vitality. So, what is it for you? Do you want to eat cleaner - less sugar, meat, caffeine or processed food? Remember that slow and steady wins the race. Make incremental changes that you can acclimatise to, and you’ll be much more likely to make those changes permanent.
If you’ve tried meditation in the past and not continued the practice, then encourage you to give it another try. If you struggle to find 10-15 minutes a day, then start with 1-2 minutes...you’ll still feel some benefits, and it’s much better to move forward slowly than not at all. If you’re new to meditation, then here are a few more tips to help you make meditation one of your daily wellness habits. Download the Smiling Mind app - we will be introducing this to our students in Term 3.
Start and end your day with quiet moments of connection. Leave the TV off and your phone out of sight while you settle down and enjoy some quiet time alone or with your family. These moments could be sharing mealtimes or simply sharing what’s gone well in your day. Making these moments part of your daily ritual will become a habit over time and can help to strengthen a deeper connection with yourself and those you love most.
Even in the colder months, it helps to get outside as often as you can. Nothing made me happier during the holiday periods than to see so many more people making the most of a simple walk - either alone or with their families...what a wonderful way to re-connect. Try getting moments of fresh air during your day too, by enjoying your breakfast outside, taking a walk at lunchtime or simply throwing the windows open while you work.
Think that naps are reserved for children and your retirement years? Well, research shows that they can work wonders for boosting our health and wellbeing. Even a nap as short as 10-15 minutes can leave us feeling more alert and more productive. I know that taking a rest in the middle of a workday isn’t always a practical option - unless you’re working from home - but they’re worth adding to your weekend wellness plan if you have a chance.
Taken from https://www.purethoughts.co.uk/blog/10-Wellness-Habits-to-Refresh-your-Mind-Body-and-Spirit
Don't forget Thursday and Friday activities!
If your child / children are in prep to year 4 we ask that parents and or carers walk, scoot or ride to school with them for this occassion to assist with the supervision.
Mrs Toni Schneekloth
Pastoral Care Leader
Welcome to week 10!
I hope that you checked out the Preps handwriting, drawing and painting at the show over the weekend. They looked amazing! Congratulations to those students who got prize ribbons! This week we will be celebrating NAIDOC at school and Prep will be leading the NAIDOC liturgy at assembly on Friday. It would be great to see you there. We will add the letter "j" to the sounds we have learnt and the Tricky Words "them" and "there". There will be no literacy groups this week. I would like to thank our team of volunteers, who help with our literacy groups, for their continued help this term. Home readers and a worksheet will not be sent home this week.
Please return any outstanding home readers and library books.
- Reminders: Tuesday - sport
- Wednesday - order tuckshop
- Friday - Prep will lead the NAIDOC liturgy at assembly. Last day of the term.
Have a wonderful holiday from Mrs Sharon McLauchlan, Miss Tamara Williams and Miss Brie Thew
Year 1
Hello parents and carers,
Welcome to week 10! Last week of term 2!
Here is a snapshot of the week ahead;
This week in year 1 we are spending time revising learnt concepts from the past semester.
English: Students will engage in and continue to use their knowledge of simple sentences to write with more detail.
Math: Last week we also started a new unit of work on 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students have identified the attributes of known 2D shapes and will spend the remainder of the term identifying shapes and describing 3D objects by their known attributes.
- Library: Monday (week 1,3,5,7,9)
- Resilience Project: Monday (week 2,4,6,8,10)
- Sport: Wednesday (every week) please have your child wear sports uniform
- Technology: Thursday (every week)
As it is the last week of term 2, homework will not be handed out, however, it would be greatly appreciated if you could ensure that your child’s readers are returned to the classroom so they can be scanned back ready for next term.
We hope everyone enjoys their time off and has a safe holiday. Miss Brock and Miss Haley are excited to see you back and ready for term 3.
Have a wonderful week and a safe holiday,
Miss Mae-Louise Brock, Miss Erin Haley and the always fun Year 1’s!
Year 2
Hi all,
It’s Week 10 - we’ve made it!! This week we are continuing with literacy in the morning and are revising some of our Maths concepts. We are also having lots of fun in the afternoons doing some STEM challenges.
You may have seen our door display has changed! This week we are celebrating NAIDOC Week at St Joseph’s and were tasked to complete a door display for a competition! The winners of the 'Deadly Door' will be presented at our whole school Didirre in the courtyard tomorrow afternoon at 1.50pm. We would love for you to join us for this.
Thank you all for a wonderful semester 1. I look forward to seeing you all after school holidays for another great term.
Miss Leonie Ansell
Year 3
Welcome to week 10!
It is hard to believe we've reached the term already.
I hope you all had a great time at the Cloncurry Show. It was great to see the Year 3 writing and Art work on display, well done to our winners!
This week in Maths we will be working on Maths fluency using Think Mentals and Maths games. In Religion we will be finishing our topic Our Parish and Diocese. We will be asking Fr Mick, Sr Lynn and Mrs Curley about the roles of the clergy, religious people and laity in the parish. We will be also working on NAIDOC week and talking about the role of elders.
This week’s events
Monday: NO homework will be set but please return all Home Readers
Board meeting 5.30pm- 6.30pm Library
Tuesday: Chaplain’s Breakfast in MMS at 7.45am
Books in Home Presentation 9.45am
PE the children can wear their sports shirt
As this is Week B the children have Library please return all books
Wednesday: Tuckshop orders must be in by 8.30am
SRC meeting - morning tea
Whole School Didirri - 1.50pm
Thursday: Tuckshop - if your child is having tuckshop please remember to send
healthy snack for brain break and something for second lunch
Children have Technology with Miss Laffey
Ride to School 7.45am Florence Clark Park (please join your child for this)
Friday: NAIDOC Liturgy Assembly Prep on Prayer
Dress like your teacher day
Reports finalised
Have a great week,
Mrs Nicola Cullen
Year 4
Hi all,
This week is a busy week. We are celebrating NAIDOC. As part of this, the classrooms are participating in a ‘Deadly Door’ competition which will be judged on Wednesday. Friday is going to be ‘Dress Like a Teacher’ day. I can’t wait to see what everyone wears!
Spelling: Our sound for this week is ‘ng’ and ‘n’ for ring.
- This sound is most commonly represented by the grapheme ng (e.g. thing, strong).
- The grapheme n usually represents the sound before a ‘k’ (kite) sound (e.g. think, ankle).
- The grapheme ngue in the word tongue is an unusual way to represent this weeks’ sound.
- Tuckshop - Please make sure Tuckshop orders are placed by Wednesday morning.
- Library - Students don’t have a library visit this week. Please encourage your child to visit the library during lunch times if they would like to change their books.
- PE - We have PE this Thursday. Please make sure your child is wearing their PE uniform.
- Assembly - There will be an assembly this week.
- Homework - Our Habitat Website is available at this link.
Have a great week,
Miss Mairin Borlase
Year 5
Dear Families,
Thank you for your support throughout Semester 1 - how quickly has half a year disappeared? Your children are a great credit to you all and I have enjoyed their sense of fun, their chatty enthusiasm and their strong desire to improve their skills and develop passion for learning every day! Reports are distributed this week and even though they are written with technical curriculum jargon, and grades based on what their teacher has witnessed throughout the semester, I wanted you to know how proud I am of each and every one of them - I see their kindness, their love of learning, their developing independence, leadership skills, generosity, organisation, support and genuine care for others and their quirky little mannerisms on a daily basis. They have worked tirelessly for two terms and I know with their continued effort and determination, Year 5 will have another exceptional semester ahead.
This week our main focus is to celebrate and acknowledge NAIDOC Week (2-9 July). We have already started to read several Aboriginal dreamtime stories and have begun to create our Deadly Door using the Rainbow Serpent story. Please pop up to see their door and art designs after Wednesday, it would be great to see you! Using First Nations’ Emma Hollingsworth’s Colouring Art examples, the children are colouring and creating their own art design using an Australian animal.
Last week, we said farewell to one of our families as Ryan left St Joseph's for pastures new. Ryan leaves with our love and gratitude for everything he and his family brought to our Year 5 community. He will be greatly missed by many of our children but our discussions have been about finding things to celebrate about our relationships and how we can remain connected. We had our Light Celebration last week where the children were able to continue their investigations into light in our darkened classroom. We also had time for some music and shared party food - thank you Rene, Harry and Ryan, we wish you every success for the future and hope to see you again.
Have an amazing week, and if I don't see you before the end of the week have a terrific break from school.
Mr Mike Tarleton
Year 6
Welcome to Week 10,
Although we are approaching the end of Semester 1, our students in year 6 are busy consolidating their learning for the term and continuing in the development of skills to set them up for success in their learning.
This week we have had a focus on the comprehension skills year 6 students have and what skills they may need assistance in developing. If your child is reading at home I encourage you to ask your child what the text is about. The text your child is reading may also have a hidden message. If your child finds it challenging to remember at the end of the text it is a great idea to get them to stop after each chapter and tell you what they have read.
This week students will work in both small groups and independently to complete a range of comprehension tasks.
We will also have a focus on NAIDOC Week. This week at St Joseph’s we are celebrating NAIDOC week. The year 6 students will be completing a Bracelet Weaving Workshop with Mrs Martin tomorrow. In year 6 we will be extending this learning by engaging in discussions on what NAIDOC week is and why it is important for us to bring awareness to this each year. We will also be exploring the Rainbow Serpent. The Rainbow Serpent (Serpant) dreaming in Aboriginal Society represents one of the great and powerful forces of nature and spirit. Connected to water, the Rainbow Serpent is the great life giver, and protector of water, which is his spiritual home. The students will express how we can work together for Reconciliation and will contribute a heart to our Deadly Door. The winners of this will be drawn on Wednesday afternoon.
I wish you all the best for a safe break and I look forward to Semester 2 with our year 6 students.
Mr Dom Purcell
Prep to Yr 6 Sport Recap
It has been a busy term across the board regarding sport - visiting professionals, a carnival to prepare for - seems a touch surreal now we are in the lead up to holidays. No doubt next term will be just as busy as this one was, but that is still a few weeks away. First, best look back at everything we have done during Term Two!
Our P-6 Sport lessons began with preparation for the Athletics Carnival back in week five. There were events to prepare for: discus, vortex, shot put, long jump, high jump, relays and sprints. While some events were seen as straightforward, others had us practising specialised movements that were more challenging. Then we had the novelty events to think about on top of it - tunnel ball, over under, egg and spoon and sack races to name a few. Looking back, it was a lot to cover in the first half of term, but each and every student amazed me with the effort they put in practising and refining their skills for the carnival. Of course, the lead up was nothing compared to the actual day where it all came together with a wonderful display of sportsmanship too!
To think, throughout all of this, we also had visits from various professional sporting groups who ran specialised clinics for us. Queensland Cricket arrived for a day, while an AFL clinic ran across a span of six weeks allowing students to learn various skills of the sport. An NRL clinic popped in as well for a couple days, though this was targeted more at interested individuals who wanted to learn more about Touch. These were clearly popular given the engagement of students, and the pick-up games that have been organised during lunches in recent weeks.
There’s so much more our P-6 classes have looked at this term, but I’ll let them tell you about that. Try asking P-3 students about the indigenous game Jumpinpin, or 4-6 about Keentan or even the kickball game we’ve begun learning. Hopefully they’ll recall something, but if not, try asking what they are hoping to learn in Sport next term! I’m positive you’ll get as many varied answers as I do.
Miss Shara Humes
NAIDOC Week 2023 - Week 10
Student Wellbeing
A SPECIAL REPORT: Dealing with Disappointment
As young people learn to navigate through various aspects of their life, they may face disappointment due to unfulfilled expectations, shattered dreams, or unexpected setbacks. Yet, with the appropriate tools, strategies, and a positive mindset, young people can learn to cope with disappointment and use it as an opportunity for personal growth and success.
Disappointment can be a tricky emotion to deal with at any age. It is a normal part of growing up. However, children sometimes need reminding that they have a choice in how they respond to disappointment and their response will determine the impact it has on their future happiness. Overall, disappointment is a healthy and positive emotion and plays an integral part in a child’s emotional, intellectual and social development.
Helping young people manage their disappointment is important in order to avoid stronger emotions such as anxiety and depression. Although a parent’s first reaction may be to fix the problem, it is better to encourage your child to find the words to express how they feel.
In this Special Report, parents and caregivers are provided with strategies on how to help their child process disappointment and look at the problem objectively.
We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this Special Report, and as always, we welcome your feedback.
If you do have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please contact the school for further information or seek medical or professional help.
Here is the link to your special report:
Chaplaincy Breakfast
Each Tuesday and Thursday, in the Mary Mackillop Shed (MMS) from 7.30am - 8.15am, we share breakfast with students! This is a free initiative from St Joseph's.
We usually have toast, cereal and fruit available and the odd occasion a toastie, pancake, muffin or slice.
Please join Miss Pete, our School Chaplain for a bite to eat and a quick good morning!