Term 1 Week 4 2023
Key Information
Principal News
Pastoral Care
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
UMY - Spotlight
Sports - District & Regional Trials
Chaplaincy Breakfast
Uniform Expectations
Quick Go To's
Indigenous Education - National Apology Day
IEAC - Indigenous Education Advisory Meeting
P&F Meeting - AGM
School Photos - Save the Date
Sight & Hearing Screeners
Fete Information
Community Notices
PCYC Netball
Ronald McDonald Learning Program
Respectful Realtionship Webinar
Key Information
Term 1 Important Dates
- Monday 20th February - P&F AGM Meeting - 3pm - Library
- Tuesday 21st February - Shrove Tuesday - Pancake Breakfast - 7.45am - MMS
- Wednesday 22nd February - Ash Wednesday Mass - 7.30am - Church
- Wednesday 22nd February - Ash Wednesday Liturgy - 2pm - Church
- Tuesday 28th February - Fire Drill - 10.30am
- Friday 3rd March - School Photo Day
- Monday 13th March and Tuesday 14th March - Parent Teacher Interview Prep - 2
- Monday 27th March and Tuesday 28th March - Parent Teacher Interview Year 3 to Year 9
- Thursday 30th March - Good Friday Liturgy & Easter Hat Parade - 8.30am
- Friday 31st March - IPRASS Day - No School
Tuckshop Menu:
Special: Chicken & Bacon Parcels and Heart Shaped Raspberry Rolls with a Popper
Orders are to be in by 8.30am each Wednesday morning! Click the link to order!
A little note for all Parents & Friends -
If you are needing to contact Miss Jamie-Lea, please call the office on (07)47421633 Wednesday/Thursday, or alternatively on her email jmcconachy@sjctsv.catholic.com.au
Uniform Shop
Open Days:
- Monday: 2.30pm-3pm
- Wednesday: 8:10am-8:30am
Any requests for uniforms outside of these days MUST be done via the link below. Please click the link to access the Uniform shop! https://myschoolconnect.com.au/
Principal News
Welcome to Week 4,
What a wonderful start to the week we have had. It is hard to believe we are approaching the middle of the term.
I am writing this newsletter from Townsville as I am currently away to attend a 2 day professional development course with Mrs Curley. This course is focusing on enhancing our Catholic Identity and is delivered from Robyn Horner and Teresa Brown who are teachers and researchers within the Faculty of Theology and Philosophy at Australian Catholic University. This professional development course will use the ECSI (Enhancing Catholic School Identity) report from our school in 2020. The ECSI report examines data from a variety of online survey instruments from students, teachers, staff, families and other constituencies towards the foundations of Catholic school identity. You may remember completing this survey in 2020. We use this data regularly to plan our School Improvement Plan as it provides data on what we are currently doing really well and what we need to focus on moving forward.
In 2022 we used the ECSI report to develop a very clear goal, which was to enliven the prayer space at our wonderful school by strengthening the prayer experiences our students and staff engage in. We looked for ways to prepare meaningful prayer and also looked at ways that we could strengthen the prayer occurring in church through Children’s Liturgies and Mass’. In 2023 we hope to take this one step further and participate in ‘The Prayer Project’. This project will pull apart our school prayer and revitalise it. It looks at all areas of our mission and vision as a Catholic School. I am excited to take you along for this project, your voice in this journey will be very important.
In the absence of both myself and Therese from Tuesday to Thursday this week please see a member of our Middle Leadership Team. Throughout the week you will see Mrs Toni Schneekloth (Pastoral Leader), Mr Dean Kelley (Curriculum) and Mrs Louise Martin (Inclusive Education) in the front office. If you have a matter that isn’t time sensitive please email myself or Mrs Therese Curley and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Beginning of Year Mass
What a beautiful morning our Beginning of Year Mass was. Thank you to our families and friends for joining us. A special thankyou to our special guests Mr Robbie Katter - MP for Traegar and Mr Campbell our Mayor for joining us on the day. To Fr Mick, Fr Emene and Fr Sylvester for travelling to be with us and to Mrs Curley for the enormous amount of effort that went into making the day so special. Mrs Curley even had to orchestrate the baking and decorating of 200 cupcakes (a special thank you to her helpers Miss Rachel, Miss Tamara and Mrs Schneekloth), without you this wouldnt have been possible.
It was great to see so many parents, friends and friends stay behind after the mass to join together for morning tea. An amazingly tasty cake made by one of our wonderful parents - Jen Crimeen - Thank you!
LockDown Drill
As you would have seen in our ‘Whats on this Week’ document and/or may have heard from your child, we had a lockdown drill yesterday morning at 10.30am. We practise these each term. It is important for students to hear the sound that signifies a lock down and know what to do in the event of a lock down. The safety of our students and staff is our number one priority and in practising these events regularly we are being proactive in ensuring this. Please congratulate your child/children on how sensible they were in this drill. There will be a fire drill later on in the term.
No Assembly
A reminder that there will be no assembly this Friday. In Term 1 we have transitioned to fortnightly assemblies. The main reason behind this is due to the additional writing and reading time we have allocated in our timetables. As we have an assembly titled ‘Call to Action’ with children once a fortnight on a Monday it meant that students sat in 3 hours of assemblies each fortnight. This term we will trial a fortnightly Friday assembly to minimise this time.
This will however mean that our next assembly on Friday 24th of February will be extended to include 4 weeks worth of awards (as we didn’t present awards in our Beginning of Year Mass).
Next week will see the beginning of Lent. Please join us on Tuesday morning for our Shrove Tuesday breakfast as we feast on pancakes!
P&F Meeting
This coming Monday the 20th of February will be our annual AGM. If you would like to take on one of the following positions please come along to the meeting at 3pm in The Library:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Community Liaison
We usually meet once or twice a term and your involvement and engagement is so valuable. I find these meetings really enjoyable and inspiring. We get to come together and discuss ways to make our school the best place. I would also like to encourage our new families to join us, new perspective and ideas are great.
I look forward to seeing you all on Friday when I return,
May God Bless you for the week ahead,
Samantha Kelley
Pancakes At School
For: Shrove Tuesday
When: Tuesday February 21st, 7:45 am- 8:30 am
Where: Outside Home Ec.
Cost: Gold coin donation for Project Compassion
What is Shrove Tuesday: Also known as Pancake Day, Shrove Tuesday is the day before Ash Wednesday and the start of the fasting Lenten season. This religious holiday is where Christians participate in confession, absolution and fasting. Pancakes are traditionally eaten on this day because eggs, sugar, and butter, were commonly forbidden during the Lenten fast. So these ingredients were used up the day before Lent started; hence making pancakes! The whole school is invited to share with us a pancake to remind us to prepare for Lent. A gold coin donation is encouraged to help raise funds towards Project Compassion.
Ash Wednesday - February 22nd
Community Mass 7:30 am, St Colman’s Church
School Liturgy 2 pm, St Colman's Church
All are welcome!
Ash Wednesday is an important holy day in the liturgical calendar as it opens Lent, a season of fasting and prayer.
Ash Wednesday takes place 46 days before Easter Sunday, and comes from the ancient Jewish tradition of penance and fasting. The practice includes the wearing of ashes on the head. The ashes symbolize the dust from which God made us. As the priest applies the ashes to a person's forehead he encourages us to "Repent and turn back to God."
On Monday the students wrote their Lenten promise - this Friday we will burn these promises ready to be blessed and placed on the students' foreheads next week at our school Ash Wednesday Liturgy at 2pm. There will also be a Community Ash Wednesday Mass at 7:30 am in the church. All Welcome!
Mrs Therese Curley
Pastoral Care
The Resilience Project - Part 1: Introduction
Every year level has commenced lessons in The Resilience Project’s online wellbeing curriculum. In 2023, I will be delivering the program; alternating weeks in Prep to Year 6 and each week in Years 7-9. The Resilience Project delivers emotionally engaging programs and provides evidence-based, practical strategies to build resilience.
The Digital Program consists of online presentations and lessons for students, professional development for staff, and a video series for our parent and carer community.
Over the coming weeks, we’ll be sharing the Parent and Carer Program with you. The videos are 5-10 minutes long and will walk through the key pillars of resilience: Gratitude, Empathy and Mindfulness. You’ll hear stories and be introduced to activities to show how these strategies can support our student’s learning and development, and also support you as parents and carers. This program is an important part of our school’s effort to look after the mental health of our community.
View the first presentation of the series here:
Part 1: Meet Hugh and learn about The Resilience Project: https://theresilienceproject.com.au/parent-and-carer-hub-hugh/
In this presentation, Hugh shares a personal experience about his sister’s battles with Mental Illness.
Note: This video contains a story about an Eating Disorder that may be triggering. Please consider this before watching. For mental health resources and support information, visit The Resilience Project’s Support Page.
Keep an eye out in the newsletter each week as we share the remainder of the program, including research and wellbeing activities to integrate into day to day life.
Pastoral Care Leader
Mrs Toni Schneekloth
Welcome to week 4. The Preps are settling well into our routines and becoming more confident in the school environment.
This week we will learn our first alphabet letter. The letter “m.” Our main focus is on the sound this letter makes, not the name of the letter. You can reinforce this at home by identifying words that have this letter sound in. For example; “Mum”- “I can hear two “m” in Mum. “m” then “u” then another “m.” When shopping, find labels with “m” and help your child to hear the “m” in that word. It is also helpful to encourage your child to practice writing “m” with the correct formation-start at the top, down, back up the stick and hop and hop. Rhyming words, syllables and identifying the subject in sentences will also continue to be a focus.
During math the class will be doing lots of numeral identifying and writing practice as well as exploring different ways to show amounts.
Our HASS focus is all about our families. Check out our Family artwork which will be displayed towards the end of the week.
This is an important week in the lead up to Easter as the class will learn about Lenten Promises. They will draw their Lenten Promise and these will be burned to make ash that will be blessed and used to put a cross on each child’s forehead during our Ash Wednesday Liturgy.
- Tuesday - sport
- Wednesday - order tuckshop online before 8.30am
- Thursday - No library as it is an A week
- Friday - no assembly
Yours in fun and learning,
Mrs Tamara McLauchlan and Miss Tamara Williams
Year 1
Hello everyone and welcome to week 4!
We have a busy week ahead in Year 1... Yesterday during their Call to Action Assembly, Year 1 made their Lenten promises which we will burn on Friday in preparation for Ash Wednesday (22nd Feb).
Here is a snapshot of the week ahead;
Literacy: We are learning to read and write words using the digraphs ch, ck, sh and wh.
Math: We are learning to count to and from 100 and locate numbers on a number line. This week will be our last lesson on this concept before we assess their knowledge and move onto patterns.
Religion: We are learning to identify our gifts from God. We will also have a focus on Lent this week, be sure to ask your child what their lent promise is.
HASS: Continuing to identify how families can change over time.
Science: We are exploring sources of light and identifying that objects can be seen when light from sources is available to illuminate.
- Library: Monday (week 1,3,5,7,9)
- Resilience Project: Monday (week 2,4,6,8,10)
- Sport: Wednesday (every week) please have your child wear sports uniform
- Technology: Thursday (every week)
- Homework was sent out last Friday and is expected back on Thursday morning so readers can be changed over.
Just a reminder that we do have a child that is anaphylaxis to Watermelon and Kiwifruit in our class. Please be mindful of this when you pack these items in your child's lunch box and please let me know.
Have a wonderful week,
Miss Mae-Louise Brock, Miss Erin Haley and the always fun Year 1’s!
Year 2
Welcome to Week 4! We are almost halfway!!
During InitiaLit this week we are looking at Informative texts and are reviewing vowel digraphs and split digraphs. We are learning how to write character preferences in writing. In Maths, we are working on counting to 1000 and representing numbers in different ways. Along with this, we are looking at keeping ourselves healthy and safe in Health; God’s nature and relationship with his people in Religion; Mixtures in Science; where and why there is Drama as well as now and then during HASS.
Below are some pictures of some of our awesome learning in Maths and Science. We also conducted an experiment on what happens to the germs when we wash our hands
A few reminders:
- Technologies is on Tuesday each week.
- Sport is on Friday each week. Students are to wear house shirts for this and we will wear our Sport shirt on Wednesday so we get to use all of our uniforms.
- Library and Resilience Project will be on a fortnightly rotation on Mondays. Monday Week A (week 1, 3, 5, 7, 9) will be Resilience Project. Monday Week B (week 2, 4, 6, 8, 10) will be Library.
- Homework is due on Tuesday and will go out on Tuesday. We will start this week. Reading is the most important part of homework!
Have a fantastic week,
Miss Leonie Ansell
Year 3
Welcome to Week 4,
The children have really impressed me with their Persuasive Writing. They were putting forward their views on whether we should have a 3 day weekend. They gave their points of view and evidence to back up their views.
- Monday: Homework will be set and given out with Home Readers
- Tuesday: Year 3 have PE the children can wear their sports shirt
As this is Week A the children have Resilience lessons - Wednesday: Tuckshop orders must be in by 8.30am
- Thursday: Tuckshop
Children have Technology with Miss Laffey - Friday: Children can wear their house shirts.
Homework to be returned.
Have a great week,
Nicola Cullen
Year 4
Hi everyone,
Religion - Please take a look at your child's homework this week. We have an extra ‘Must Do’ as part of Religion. We are currently exploring some of the wise sayings from Proverbs and I have asked the children to speak to their parents, grandparents or even great grandparents about a wise saying that they use. Children are to write this down or memorise it, if possible, then have it ready to share this week.
- Homework - Homework was given out this Monday and it is to be returned on Friday.
- Tuckshop - Tuckshop is on this week. Orders are due on Wednesday.
- Library - Our library visit was last Thursday. Our next library visit is next week (week 5). If your child wants a new library book please encourage them to visit the library during lunch times.
- PE - PE will be this Thursday. Please have your child wear their sports uniform.
Have a wonderful week,
Miss Mairin Borlase
Year 5
Dear Families,
How has it already got to Week 4? The children are becoming familiar with expectations within the classroom and are realising that sitting with friends doesn't always lead to high productivity. They have been able to choose their seat for learning time and often their own teams for collaborative learning. Managing distractions and maintaining focus will continue to be areas which we focus on this term.
Remember to scan the QR Code for further information, photos and videos and especially to read James' Report for Week 3. Great work James - you have really settled into life at St Joseph's and continue to strive for success. We will be baking again on Wednesday 15th February - please check out the recipe and try at home!
RELIGION - we have begun to inquire into the Bible as a library of books. Developing the understanding that religious books (like all books) should be respected. Our first lessons are an investigation of several chapters from the Gospels of Luke, John and Mark - Knowing the Gospel Texts. We have also begun to inquire into our Saint Mary Mackillop and discuss her connections to St Joseph's School. Mary's attitude was always one of forgiveness and respect - which we often reflect on during prayer in class.
ENGLISH - we have continued to focus our learning on writing descriptive details which will support narrative texts. We have used a simple structure to write descriptive paragraphs about familiar characters. Using Writer's Toolbox Learning Journey, learners have investigated the Very Short Sentence and the Simple Sentence and are beginning to investigate the Adverb Start Sentences. Our Sound Waves Spelling programme has online resources added to our explicitly taught structure. Understanding that the English language follows rules and conventions - for example adding -ed or -ing to words ending with -e. Learners must drop the -e before adding the suffix to the end of the word. Understanding that adding the same suffixes to words with a short vowel sound prior to the final sound - learners must double the final consonant. If there are already two consonants after the short vowel, just add the suffix. There are some examples of verbs that change - bring - brought, buy - bought, sing - sang etc.
MATHEMATICS - we have begun our work about multiples. Recognising patterns in numbers has helped us to identify larger multiples. Initially multiples of 2, 4 and 8 are used to identify doubling which later helps us with multiplication facts - using known facts to calculate. 5 and 10 are next, before 3, 6 and 12 are investigated. (7, 9 and 11 are usually developed later). Practising MULTIPLICATION FACTS at home really helps to boost confidence with Mathematics - knowing the facts makes calculation quicker and connects to later investigations into division, fractions and decimals. Learners are investigating the GRID Method to support their multiplication of 2-digit and three digit numbers by single digit numbers. (sometimes referred to as the AREA Model) We will practise this pencil and paper strategy as it allows the learners to consolidate their Place Value understanding - it also sets them up on their journey towards the standard algorithm which most adults know.
HASS - We started our learning journey last week - investigating images of significant people from Australia's past. This week we will continue that research connected to a timeline of significant events while generating questions which the learners wish to research in greater depth. Please talk with them about what they have discovered.
- NAPLAN Weeks 8-9
- Parent-Learner-Teacher Meetings Week 10
Wishing you all a great week,
Mr Mike Tarleton
Year 6
It has been a busy start to week 4!
In Math, students have started to look at fractions and how they can be used to represent parts of numbers.
In Hass we have started to look at the economic and social characteristics of different Asian Countries in the G20.
In English, students are continuing to learn how to create journal entries- where they will eventually assume the role of one of the main characters from the text Holes and create their very own Diary entries from the character's point of view.
It has been a very busy start to the beginning of Week 4, but the Year 6 students have started the year off wonderfully.
Enjoy your week!
Mr Dom Purcell.
UMY - Spotlight
Year 7 Science with Miss Humes
Students have the opportunity this term to begin delving into the world of chemical sciences where we will be learning about separating mixtures into their individual substances, as well as the water cycle and other renewable resources. We will be exploring the process of filtration and evaporation to help separate substances, and relating it back to real world contexts - how is it that we know the water from our taps is safe to drink? However, before we could move onto these more engaging topics, students have spent the last few weeks undergoing a crash course on how we can be safe in the laboratory, and the dangers they might come across. They’re becoming quite skilled in this, so feel welcome to test their knowledge by quizzing them about what to do should they encounter a hazard in the lab!
Year 8 Food Tech with Mrs Schneekloth
To begin all good food sessions, Year 8’s have started Food Technology for 2023 with entree - a quick small unit on kitchen & hygiene basics and the design process before launching into their major unit for the term.
As the title ‘Meat Eater’ suggests, the unit focuses on protein sources from paddock to plate - investigating the origins, ethical production, food production and food waste. Did you know that the average Australian eats 116 kg of meat each year? Or that 70% of people globally eat goat meat?
Students will have an examination for their ‘Entree to Food Tech’ unit and design & produce a healthy hamburger for their ‘Meat Eater’ unit.
Sports - District & Regional Trials
This week sees the start of representative sport trials. Tomorrow in Julia Creek, students will trial to gain selection in the Mid West district for 10-12 years Touch and Rugby League and on Thursday afternoon and Friday, students who gained selection in the Mid West district team for swimming will compete at the North West Regional trials in Mount Isa. Good luck to all students!
Over the next few months, there will be various opportunities for students to trial for sports - keep an eye out via email and the newsletter for updates. As the North West Region is so vast geographically and encompasses the Gulf, north west Queensland and central west Queensland, our students first trial for selection in the Mid West district. The Mid West district includes Cloncurry, Julia Creek, Richmond and Hughenden. Students who are successful in gaining Mid West selection then head to the North West Region trials to then go to State Championships. It can mean a lot of time, travel and organisation (and paperwork) for our parents and students and we thank you for your continued passion and dedication to keep representative sport alive in regional Queensland.
Mr Dom Purcell
Chaplaincy Breakfast
Come for toast, cereal or fruit! Miss Pete would love to see you! Held in the Mary Mackillop Shed (MMS).
Uniform Expectations
The wearing of the school uniform promotes our school’s image in the community as well as school spirit and pride in our school. It is a requirement that all students wear the full correct school uniform on all school occasions, including excursions.
Please be aware, St Joseph’s Catholic School, Cloncurry operates an alternating timetable. Therefore, days where your child/children may wear a particular uniform may alter the following week.
- Academic Uniform
The St Joseph’s Cloncurry Academic uniform is to be worn all days of the school week except when students have Physical Education days. - Sports Uniform
The St Joseph’s Cloncurry Sports Uniform is to be worn only on days that students are scheduled to have Physical Education lessons. - House Uniform
The St Joseph’s Cloncurry House Uniform is only to be worn on Fridays and at Sports Carnivals. These uniforms are not in place of the Sports Shirts and should not be worn for Physical Education lessons, unless the students' lessons fall on a Friday. - Representative Uniform
The St Joseph’s Cloncurry Representative Sports Uniforms are to be worn at the discretion and direction of the Senior Leadership Team, and Sports & Extra Curricular Coordinator.
Please view the uniform requirements in the following links. These are also available on our website.
Academic Uniform Guidelines
Prep to Year 4 Shoe Guidelines
Year 5 to Year 9 Show Guidelines
Sport Uniform Guidelines
Quick Go To's
Our website: www.sjctsv.catholic.edu.au
Our Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/StJosephsCatholicSchoolCloncurry
Uniform Shop & Tuckshop app/website: www.myschoolconnect.com.au
Indigenous Education - National Apology Day
IEAC - Indigenous Education Advisory Meeting
P&F Meeting - AGM
School Photos - Save the Date
Sight & Hearing Screeners
Fete Information
For more information:
Community Notices
Cloncurry Eagles Junior Rugby League is seeking coaches and sports trainers for the 2023 Season. Website links below.Eligible persons must have or be able to obtain a Working with Children Check. Proof of your WWC will be required.An online coaching course as well as face-to-face will be required for new volunteers, a refresher course may be required for existing volunteers that have previously completed a course. For more information please contact our Club via email at cloncurryeagles@gmail.com
Coach/Trainer Registration - playrugbyleague.com
Working with Children application - my.bluecard.qld.gov.au/login
PCYC Netball
Ronald McDonald Learning Program
Welcome to the 2023 school year!
The Ronald McDonald Learning Program (RMLP) team would like to take this opportunity to remind you of the student services we offer, that are fully funded by Ronald McDonald House Charities.
Students whose education has been impacted by their serious illness or injury, including mental health diagnoses, may be eligible for:
- Individual tutoring for 12 months (minimum 40 hours).
- Educational/cognitive assessment, if necessary.
- Occupational, speech, and/or other therapy, if recommended.
Please feel comfortable to refer your students to me using the attached form, or to pass my details directly on to families.
I would also appreciate it if you would kindly add our poster into your school newsletter, to share with families if possible.
If you have any questions or would like further information, please reach out. I am here to help!
Kind regards,
Belinda O'Neill