Term 3 Week 7
Key Information
Principal News
Pastoral Care
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
UMY Spotlight
Library & Book Week
Learning Breakfast & Book Week Parade
Lunch boxes, sun safety and arrival times
Indigenous Education Advisory Meeting
Raising Resilient Children - Free Parenting Seminar
Student Wellbeing
Spark Club & Chaplaincy Breakfast
Fete 2022
Cake Stall Information
Change to COVID-19 Rules
Good Shepherd Catholic College Musical
Community Notices - Music Lessons
Key Information
QLD Opera Performance - Shire Hall - Tuesday 23rd August
Book Week Parade / Learning Breakfast - Thursday 25th August
School Fete - Friday 26th August
Year 4 Excursion - Friday 26th August
Indigenous Education Advisory Committee Meeting - Thursday 1st September
Child Protection Week - Monday 5th September - Friday 9th September
Headspace Visit Yr 7 to 9 - Wednesday 7th September
Cross Country - Friday 9th September
Pupil Free Days Term 3
Week 8 Friday - 2nd September 2022
Week 10 Friday - 16th September 2022
Upcoming Board Meetings
Week 10 Tuesday - 13th September 2022
Upcoming P&F Meetings
Week 9 Monday - 5th September 2022 (fete wrap up)
Tuckshop Menu:
Orders to be in by 8.30am Wednesday morning! Click the link to order!
Week 7 | Curried Sausages with Biscoff Bubble Slice and a Popper |
Uniform Shop
Open Days:
- Monday 2.30-3pm
- Wednesday: 8:10am-8:30am
Any requests for uniforms outside of these days MUST be done via the link below. Please click the link to access the Uniform shop! https://myschoolconnect.com.au/
Principal News
Welcome to Week 7,
Learning Breakfast, Book Week Parade and Assembly
This Thursday the 25th of August St Joseph’s Catholic School will be celebrating Learning Breakfast in the morning, followed by our Book Week Parade at assembly. We have intentionally combined these celebrations into one day to save parents and carers needing to take several days off to join us to celebrate.
Learning breakfast will start at 7.45am outside the Home Ec room in the Upper Middle Years Building. You are invited to join your child’s classroom teacher for breakfast. The classrooms will then be opened from 8.00am for you to join your child and see what they have been learning. Our students look forward to bringing their parents / grandparents / aunties / uncles / family and friends into their classroom each year and we look forward to seeing you all there.
Following learning breakfast we will have an assembly in the Mary MacKillop Shed at 8.30am. This assembly will include the prize for the student that sold the most raffle tickets for the fete and will also include our book week parade.
I am very much looking forward to this celebration and am excited to be joining you for this.
St Colman's Parish & St Joseph’s Catholic School Fete
We are so excited to be joining you all on Friday evening for our annual Fete. I can’t wait to see the community come together for an afternoon of fun and laughter.
Events like this don’t happen with the commitment and dedication of individuals. I would like to thank Mrs Shelley Curry on behalf of the St Joseph’s Community for her work coordinating the fete.
A friendly reminder that all attendees should not enter the event if you have had a fever, cough, sore throat, headache, distorted sense of taste, shortness of breath, chills, vomiting or any cold/flu like symptoms in the last 72 hours.
We’re still needing assistance with both volunteers on the night, as well as for the clean up the next day. If you are available please place your details on the linked document.
Upper Middle Years Girls Uniform
As you may have seen in the newsletter last week we collected votes for the new upper middle years girls blouse for 2023. The blouse that received the highest number of votes is from Georgio Clothing and is as pictured below:
We are currently in contact with Georgio Clothing to finalise the logo and place an order for 2023.
God Bless,
Mrs Samantha Kelley
Welcome to Week 7!
What a massive week we have ahead of us. Book Week, Leaning Breakfast and the ever popular St Joseph’s and St Colman’s Fete! A huge thank you goes out to all our staff and parents who have offered their time to assist in these wonderful events. These celebrations bring immense joy to our community. We are so very lucky to have such wonderful staff and parents who offer their time to make these events such a success. Please check out the fete volunteers roster and pop your name down if you are able to help out… many hands make light work!
I thought it was fitting this week to focus our assembly prayer on celebrating the gift of learning. Year 3 will present the prayer at our special Thursday assembly. I look forward to the very full but exciting week ahead.
Prayer for our Learners
Dear God, Thank you for the gift of education in every form.
We are blessed with the ability to learn and grow.
May our students grace be their guide and,
May hope be their compass towards a bright future.
May they use their eyes to see the needs of those around them
and a heart to love fully.
May our students face each day with positivity,
knowing that no matter what comes their way,
they do not have to face it alone.
Mrs Therese Curley
Pastoral Care
Homework Club
Just a reminder about Homework Club which is on every Thursday from 3pm-4pm. This is a great opportunity for students to get their homework done before going home and getting help if they have trouble with a concept.
They don’t have to stay the whole time and can bring a snack to eat while they work. Homework Club is open to all students in Years 5-9.
Exam Stress - How to manage your time
The amount of work you get at school can seem daunting, but there are tools and tactics you can use to plan your time. If you set goals, make plans, write notes, limit distractions, make time to chill and get help when you need it, you can get everything done.
So little time...
If you’re studying, it can sometimes seem like there’s not enough time to do it all, but there are tools you can use to plan your time effectively.
Make plans, score goals
Set out a list of what you want to achieve, and for each item, write down what you’ll need to do. Make it manageable and achievable. The idea is not to freak yourself out, but to chart a course to where you want to be. As you work through the list, you’ll see yourself approaching and reaching your goals.
Write it down
Write down appointments, notes and ideas in a diary or notebook, and use a wall planner so that important dates (or just planned fun times) don’t pass you by.
Limit distractions
The internet is pretty great, right? We agree. But with instant messaging, social networks and email, it provides a heap of ways to procrastinate and distract yourself. Limit your time chatting and fooling about in your breaks, and shut down these distractions while you’re studying. The same goes for talking and messaging on your phone. You’ll get a lot more done.
Take breaks
If you plan to study every single minute you’ve got, you’ll probably end up stressed and unhappy. Make sure you’ve got time to do things you like that relax you. Whether it’s sports, video games, music or anything else, don’t let it go just because you’re studying.
If you need help, get it
Time-management is a skill. Like any skill, some people are better at it than others. If you’re struggling with it, talk to someone who can help – teachers, friends and family.
Mrs Toni Schneekloth
Pastoral Leader
Good afternoon,
What a busy week we have coming up.
Tuesday the class will be attending The Frog Prince production at the Shire Hall so there will be NO LITERACY GROUPS TUESDAY.
Our sport day will also be swapped to Thursday for this week
Thursday morning we will be having our "learning breakfast". This is a time to share breakfast together and for your child to show you the work they have been doing in our classroom. Straight after the learning breakfast we will have our Book Week costume parade. I'm looking forward to seeing the Preps dressed as storybook characters.
Friday evening is the annual Fete. Thank you to those of you that have brought playdoh/toys in for our stall. I'm not asking for parent help on the stall, however, if you can spare some time, it would be great to have a break to get some dinner and look around.
- Tuesday: No literacy group due to attending the Frog Prince" production.
- Sport is swapped to Thursday.
- Wednesday: Order tuckshop
- Thursday: Learning breakfast, Book Week parade and sport day. Tuckshop day
- Friday: Fete
Yours in fun and learning,
Mrs Sharon McLauchlan and Miss Tamara Williams
Year 1
Hello everyone and welcome to week 7,
This week in Year 1 we will be very busy, with the Frog Prince performance on Tuesday, Book Week celebrations on Thursday and the Fete on Friday.
In Math this week we will be revising place value and identifying 10 more and 10 less on a hundreds board. We will then complete our unit of work on partitioning numbers to and from 100 and making these amounts in different ways.
In English we will become chefs at our book tasting. As it is book week, Year 1 will indulge in a variety of different texts completing character profiles and book reviews of the stories that we have engaged with.
In religion, we will start our new unit of work on Mother Mary. During our health unit, we have been completing the Resilience Project focussing on what is empathy?
- Students will be attending the performance The Frog Prince run by Opera Queensland at Cloncurry Shire Council. Please ensure your child attends school with a hat and a water bottle.
- Students may wear their sports uniform on Wednesdays.
- Homework: Please ensure your childs’ in handed in so readers can be swapped.
- Learning Breakfast - Please pop into Year 1 at 8am on Thursday morning to see a glimpse of what Year 1 has been up to.
- Book week celebrations - students may come dressed as a character from their favourite book. We will have a book week parade down at the shed at 8:30am, followed by assembly.
- Library with Mrs Chaplain. Please make sure your childs’ library bag is at school.
- Sport is on Friday with Mr Murray. Students may wear their coloured house shirts.
Next Friday the 2nd of September will be a pupil free day.
Literacy Groups: As it is such a jam packed week we will not be having literacy groups this week.
Design Technologies: This Term Mrs Laffey and the Year 1’s will be making sustainable solutions in Design Technologies. If you would like to contribute please see the flyer below for recommended items. If you have any items please place them in the box on top of the fridge.
Have a wonderful week!
Miss Mae-Louise Brock
Year 2
Welcome to Week 7,
Our school fete is this Friday!! This year we will be doing the bottle stall. We need donations of glass jars and packets of little chocolates, lollies, stationary, kick-knacks that are small enough to fit in a little jar.
This week we are learning:
English: Procedural Texts. Our tricky words are: through, every, only
Maths: Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Religion: God’s Covenant with Noah
Science: Water is a resource
HASS: Significant people in our community
Health: Food Advertisements
Media: Stop Motion Animation
- Wear sport uniform on Wednesdays
- Tuckshop orders due Wednesday
- We have Library on Thursdays
- We have Sport on Fridays (house shirts)
- Homework due on Friday
- Book Week and Learning Breakfast on Thursday
Have a great week!
Miss Leonie Ansell
Year 3
Another busy week in the life of our St. Joseph’s students and staff.
The school fete is rapidly approaching and so we need to ask for some help with our ‘hook a duck’ stall. We need sweets and treats as prizes and also some of your time. Some of our students would like to work on the stall so if you could spare some time to assist them it would be appreciated.
Year 3 Hook a Duck Fete Activity Roster
Time | Person/s Rostered On |
5:30 - 6:00 | Louise Martin - set up |
6:00 - 6:30 | |
6:30 - 7:00 | |
7:00 - 7:30 | |
7:30 - 8:00 | |
8:00 - 8:30 | |
8:30 - 9:00 |
Year 3 are also reading the prayer in assembly this week. This will be on Thursday combined with the Learning Breakfast and Book Week parade. We hope to see you all there.
On Tuesday we will be watching the Queensland Opera perform The Frog Prince.
Learning focus;
Maths - fractions - how many parts of a range of fractions constitute a whole?
English - facts not fiction - summary writing.
Religion - continuing with our work on the Beatitudes.
Science - safety in science
HASS - choosing our neighbouring country as a comparison to Australia
As some of you may know, I will be back in the UK at the end of this week for my daughter’s delayed university graduation. All work in the classroom has been planned so that there will be no disruption to their learning. I will of course be back for term 4 ready for the busy time that term 4 always brings.
Friday of week 8 is a pupil free day
We hope you have a great week.
Mrs Deb McCann and the hardworking Year 3 students.
Year 4
Hi Everyone,
We have such a busy week this week ending with our Fete on Friday night. Thanks to everyone who has donated lollies for our stall. I would love the students to come and help out on the night, but parental help isn’t required on our stall. Don’t forget to contact the office, though, to volunteer some time on some of the other stalls. It should be a great night!
Friday’s Excursion- Notes went home yesterday which need to be completed and returned by Thursday. If your child didn’t take theirs home (one was left on the port racks) just let me know and I’ll send another one home. Thanks to the parents who will be helping out with transport.
Science- Last week with Miss Haley we started an experiment with jelly beans and honey to show the rock cycle. We made a sedimentary rock with the different colours representing the different rocks and minerals that combine to make this type of rock. Yesterday we applied heat and pressure to make a metamorphic rock and tomorrow we will add extreme heat to form an igneous rock.
Have a great week!
Mrs Lesley Wall
Year 5
Welcome to Week 7!
I am covering for Mr Tarleton this week, as he is unwell.
We have so many exciting events happening this week, including a performance by Queensland Opera and Book Week.
Maths: Students will be investigating positional language and discussing cardinal points.
English: Students will interpret and analyse the poem, ‘Uluru’.
HaSS: Students will create their own map, using ‘Google My Maps’, to locate Cloncurry and Ernest Henry Mine. They will be adding features to their map, and creating inquiry questions to answer questions about the relationship between the mine and the town.
- Learning Breakfast - Thursday 25th August, 7:45am
- Book Week Parade - Thursday 25th August, 8:30am
- School Fete - Friday 26th August
PE: Monday
Library: Wednesday
Homework: Homework is handed out on Monday and is to be returned on Friday. Homework is a chance to revise concepts taught in class. Well done to our Year 5 students, who have been consistently completing their homework.
Enjoy your week,
Miss Therese von Drehnen
Year 6
Welcome to Week 7!
It’s fete week!!
We have been busy getting our class business stalls ready for operation. The students’ are very excited.
This week’s learning focuses are:
Religion: We participated in a few different rituals that are observed as part of some of the Jewish High Holy days. This week, we will begin to explore the connection between passover and the importance of Eucharist to Catholic Christian believers.
English: We have been using Writer’s Toolbox to write about different aspects of federation. This week, we will be focusing refining our introductions for an informative text.
Mathematics: The students SMASHED multiplying and dividing decimals by powers of 10. We consolidated our learning and will now move to multiplying decimals by other whole numbers.
HaSS: Last week, we learned about the Tenterfield Oration and its significance to the federation movement. This week we will learn about some key female figures in Australia’s history that fought for rights and equal treatment.
PE and Library are on Wednesday.
Homework: For the remainder of the year I will be encouraging students to utilise their student diaries. They will be bringing these home to be signed. Students are encouraged to read each night. At key intervals throughout the week and/or based on the progression of content covered in class, students will have maths homework to consolidate their learning from class. On some occasions, their may be some class work or assessment work that can be completed at home. This will be communicated with parents and students.
Have a blessed week!
Mr. James Delaney and the Year 6 Legends!
UMY Spotlight
Year 7/8 & 9 PE with Mr Murray
In Physical Education, students have been studying and participating in Soccer and Cross Country. Students are developing specialised movement skills and understanding in a range of physical activity settings. They have been analysing how their body control and coordination influence their movement composition and performance on the courty and learn to transfer movement skills and concepts from different sports.
Students have also been working with AFL Australia for a couple of sessions, having a go at something different compared to the usual Rugby League and Cricket sessions we get.
Yr 9 Civics with Mr Kelley
The year 9 Civics curriculum builds students’ understanding of Australia’s political system and how it enables change. They investigate the features and principles of Australia’s court system, including its role in applying and interpreting Australian law.
Students have been evaluating features of Australia’s political system. They have examined what influences people's political choices. Students have investigated the role of the House of Representatives and the Senate and its importance in passing legislation.
Using the following enquiry questions students have developed their understanding of civic and citizenship knowledge;
- What influences shape the operation of Australia’s political system?
- How does Australia’s court system work in support of a democratic and just society?
- How do citizens participate in an interconnected world?
- What is the separation of powers and why are they in place?
Library & Book Week
This week is the week for Book Week!
We will have our dress up parade on Thursday the 25th August at 8:30 am in the Mary MacKillop Shed, following the Learning Breakfast. All are welcome to our breakfast at 7.45am.
Thank you for your co-operation. Happy Reading
Mrs Chris Chaplain
Learning Breakfast & Book Week Parade
Lunch boxes, sun safety and arrival times
Lunch boxes:
All students should be packing a piece of fruit or healthy option for brain break (Prep to Year 6), a meal for morning tea and a snack for afternoon tea. We have had an increase in students coming to the office this week requesting fruit or a muesli bar for second break. Please have a chat to your child/children about the snacks they are packing for a full day at school.
Sun Safety:
St Joseph's Catholic School is a sunsafe school with a no hat, no play rule. Students can collect a happy hat from the office in the instance that they forget their hat, but it is important that students remember to bring their hat each day.
Arrival Times:
Please note that the school grounds are not staffed prior to 8.10am. Although our teachers and school officers arrive early, this is to prepare for the day ahead. If your child needs to arrive prior to 8.10am please phone the office and let us know.
Indigenous Education Advisory Meeting
Raising Resilient Children - Free Parenting Seminar
Student Wellbeing
School refusal, sometimes called school avoidance or school phobia, is not uncommon. It is different to ‘wagging’ or truancy and is often related to worry or anxiety-related issues about going to school. School refusal may start gradually or happen suddenly. Although it is normal for a child to occasionally miss a day of school, parents should only be concerned if a child regularly complains about feeling sick or often asks to stay home due to minor physical complaints.
School refusal is a complex issue as there is rarely a single cause. It affects children of all ages across primary and secondary levels. It can often occur during times of transition at school. More recently, the Coronavirus pandemic has disrupted the educational experience of all students, affecting some more than others. Dealing with a school refusal child can affect the whole family, adding pressure to an already challenging time. School refusal is not considered a formal psychiatric diagnosis. It’s a name given to an emotional and/or behavioural problem.
In this edition of SchoolTV, adult carers will learn how best to approach this issue and work towards a solution.
Here is the link to the School Refusal edition of SchoolTV
Spark Club & Chaplaincy Breakfast
With the Learning Breakfast on Thursday, we won't have Chaplaincy Breaky on the same morning. But, if you can still encourage your children to have the same manners, kindness, courteous personalities, that would be amazing! I appreciate the "Good Morning Miss Pete", and "How are you?". Nice exchanges make for a nice day ahead.
In Spark Club, we have been playing musical chairs and bob n freeze. Plus the good ol' colouring in!
I sure hope we get some more volunteers for the Fete and Tuckshop! We love seeing our families helping out. Like Mary Mackillop said, "never see a need without doing something about it". Giving is such a great way to be a part of our school community and your kids ALWAYS love to have you here!
Have a great week!
Miss Pete McIntyre
Fete 2022
Save the Date: 26th August 2022
We are so close to the Fete! The countdown is on, Friday here we come! Thank you to all the generous families that have donated foods to the Wheelbarrow Raffle (tickets available at the Fete). There is still space for your donation if you haven't yet. Such generosity within our St Joseph's community is overwhelmingly wonderful! We thank you all.
Cake Stall Information
Please bring your donations to the Music Room from 8am. We would love to see you donate something sweet or savoury such as: Cakes, Slices, Sweets, Scones, Gluten Free Options, Sauces, Relish, Chutney or Biscuits.
Please make sure you place the ingredients list on the back of the plate or on a note inside. We do not require you to name or specify year level.
Huge thank you to all parents who have donated in some form.
Change to COVID-19 Rules
The Queensland Government has announced an update to COVID-19 isolation protocols. The change relates to people who have had COVID-19 and are considered ”cleared cases”.
Previously, cleared cases did not need to isolate or get tested if they re-presented with symptoms in the 12-week period after having contracted COVID-19. In response to updated AHPPC advice that reinfections may occur as early as 28 days after recovery from a previous COVID-19 infection, the Queensland Government has announced that the “cleared case” period will be reduced from 12 weeks to 28 days (4 weeks).
This means that people who were previously infected with COVID-19 will need to get tested and isolate if they re-present with symptoms or return a positive test from four weeks after their initial infection.
A reminder to families - please do not send your student to school if they have any flu-like symptoms. Unfortunately the high risk of infection prevents us from being able to accommodate unwell students in our sick bay. If your child is meant to be wearing a mask as a previous case or as a Close Contact, we appreciate your support in providing these and ensuring they are worn.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school’s front office on 4742 1633.