Term 3 | Week 8 Newsletter
Key Information
- Monday 30th-Tuesday 31st August - Prep 2022 Interviews
- Thursday 2nd September - Learning Breakfast from 730am
- Friday 3rd September - Pupil Free Day
- Wednesday 8th September - Bush Dance Evening from 6pm
- Friday 17th September - Last Day Term 3
- Tuesday 5th October - First Day Term 4
- Friday 8th October - Special Half Day Holiday - School ends 12pm
Tuckshop Menu:
Date: | Special: |
2nd September | Baked Potato with Cheese, Mince & Sour Cream, Freckle Biscuits |
9th September | Chicken Teriyaki Sushi, Finger Buns |
16th September | Fish & Salad, Caramel Slice |
Uniform Shop
As advertised, all uniform items with the old logo are being sold at 50% off normal price. There are limited sizes as shown. If ordering online your discount will be applied when you collect your order from the Uniform Shop or office.
Uniform Shop Days:
Wednesdays & Thursdays: 810-830am
Any requests for uniforms outside these days MUST be done via the link below.
Homework Club
Homework Club is every Thursday from 3-4pm in the MacKillop Room for Years 5-9.
Coffee on Fridays
Coffee, Tea & Hot Chocolate will be available at each Assembly unless otherwise advertised.
Volunteers are always welcome, please contact the office and we'll pass your details on to the P&F.
Bush Dance Evening
Come and enjoy a night of bush dancing in the Mary MacKillop Shed on Wednesday 9th September from 6pm.
Students will bring home an order form for Steak burgers and Sausage on Bread, please return by Monday 6th September. You can pay at the office or pay on the night.
Principal News
Welcome to Week 8,
St Joseph’s Catholic School & St Colman’s Parish Fete
Firstly I would like to begin by thank you for joining us last Friday night to celebrate our School and Parish Fete. It was an amazing night for our community to come together. As mentioned on the night the money raised will help the school greatly as we look at ways we can improve our facilities for our students. This year we will be replacing the tables and chairs in the primary eating area, as well as re-turfing our school oval over the christmas holiday period. These have been big ticket items that have been on our agenda for 2021 and we are so excited to see them come to light!
Opti-MINDS - Saturday 28th of August - Well Done!
We had two groups of students travel to Mount Isa last Saturday to compete in the annual Opti-MINDS competition. Miss Coombs and Mr Delaney have been working hard with the groups at break times this term to prepare for the competition. Our junior group were commended on the day receiving a spirit award and our upper middle years group received an honours. What a fantastic outcome! I would like to thank Miss Coombs and Mr Delaney for the hours that went into providing this opportunity for our students. I would also like to thank Miss Lovett that went along on the day to help judge the competition.
Learning Breakfast - Thursday 2nd of September - 730am
Please join us on Thursday morning from 730am for our 2021 Learning Breakfast. We love to showcase the work that our students are doing in their classrooms. Our students also get so excited to bring their family into the classroom and share with you what they have achieved throughout the year. Please come along with us and celebrate the achievement of our students and teachers.
Assembly - School Assembly
Our school assembly will be on Thursday this week as Friday is a Pupil Free Day. This will follow our learning breakfast.
Pupil Free - Reflective Practice Day - Friday 3rd of September
This Friday students will have a pupil free day as our teachers and school officers come together to receive inservice training. Our focus for the day will be around the principals and attributes of quality assessment and feedback.
Bush Dance - Change of Date
Our Bush Dance was originally booked for Thursday the 9th of September. Please note that this has been changed due to a clash with The Councils Beat the Heat Festival. We have rescheduled the Bush Dance for Wednesday the 8th of September - kicking off at 6pm. Our students will be performing in the middle of the basketball court so we ask families to set up in a circle around them on the evening.
Our P&F Association will be provided food on the night - please use the order form sent home with students today to place your order. If you have availability to help on the night that would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Samantha Kelley
Gospel Reading Mark 7:31-37
Jesus restores a man’s hearing and speech.
Today’s Gospel invites us to consider how we witness the healing presence of Christ in our care for and ministry to those who are sick. We notice that the deaf man is brought to Jesus for healing by his friends. These people beg Jesus to lay his hands on this deaf man so that he might be healed. Jesus’ healing power is shown in his opening of the man’s ears and the restoring of his speech. When family members care for one another when they are sick, they bring Christ’s healing presence. When we pray for those who are ill, we ask God to show his healing power. When health is restored, we share that good news with others.
As you gather as a family, recall a time when a family member was ill. What steps were taken to help restore this family member to health? Talk about what it feels like to care for a person who is ill, and about how it feels to be the sick person being cared for. In today’s Gospel, we hear about a time when Jesus healed a man who was deaf. Read today’s Gospel, Mark 7:31-37. Notice how the man who was cured and his friends could not honor Jesus’ request to keep quiet about Jesus’ power to heal. We continue to celebrate Jesus’ healing presence in our lives by giving thanks to God for the gift of healing and health. Conclude in prayer, thanking Jesus for the gifts of health and healing. Pray together for those who are sick. After each person is named, pray, “Jesus, heal us.”
Support Mass on television
Many people who are isolated, in prison, in hospital or don’t have internet rely on Mass for You at Home. The Catholic Mass is broadcast free-to-air each Sunday morning on Channel 10 and WIN at 6am. Can you support the project, through prayers or financial support? Find out more at www.massforyou.com.au
Get vaccinated for the common good
Vaccination against COVID-19 is a morally good thing, providing protection for the person vaccinated and the wider community. Some COVID-19 vaccines are associated with ethically questionable production and research practices, but Pope Francis and the Australian Bishops have advised that it is morally permissible to receive any vaccine made available. Here is a short video supporting the vaccine -
More information is available at https://www.catholic.org.au/coronavirus
2021 Mission: One Heart Many Voices
Every two years Catholic Mission, in partnership with Catholic Religious Australia, hosts the Mission: one heart many voices conference. This year the conference is completely online and provides participants the opportunity to experience a diverse range of international and local speakers with broad lived and practical experience in their respective field. This MOHMV conference will encourage participants to explore ‘Leadership for Mission Now’ through the frame of an open mind, open heart and open will, embracing curiosity, compassion and courage.
The conference takes place Wednesday Sept 1 to Friday Sept 3 with an additional day of creativity and dialogue designed by young people Saturday Sept 4. For more details please go to the website https://2021.mohmv.com.au
Beatification of Pope John Paul I likely to be approved
In an article published in the Italian newspaper Avvenire, the official newspaper of the Italian bishops, by Stefania Falasca – a journalist, Luciani biographer, and the vice-postulator of his cause – said process has reached the final stage and has just one more hurdle to face with the final approval of the miracle. Albino Luciani was born on October 17, 1912, in Italy’s northern Veneto region, Luciani was elected pope at the age of 65, taking the name Pope John Paul to honour both of his immediate predecessors, St John XXIII and St Paul VI. It shocked the world when he was found dead the morning of September 30, 1978, just 33 days after his election.
His cause for canonisation formally opened in November 2003, 25 years after his death. The Diocese of Belluno, which is overseeing the beatification cause, concluded its investigation into the miraculous 2011 healing of a young girl from Buenos Aires who suffered from a severe form of encephalopathy, a disease that affects brain function, leading to an altered mental state in which the person is confused and acts abnormally.
Following the diocesan investigation, which found the healing to be miraculous, it was brought to a board of medical consultants in October 2019, and they reached the same conclusion: There was no medical or scientific explanation for the girl’s recovery. The case was then presented to a panel of theological experts, who approved of the miracle in May this year.
A final vote on the validity of the miracle will take place in October during a meeting with the cardinals and bishops of the Congregation for Saints Causes, though it is widely expected that they will also approve of the miracle.
Source: CathNews
Kind Regards,
Shadley Davids
Assistant Principal
Pastoral Care
Resilience is a term that is used often nowadays and most of us are aware of what this means in terms of our children, but how do we actually build resilience? At SJC, we are implementing various programs, such as the Zones of Regulation, to work on the areas to develop resilience. Resilience gives people the strength to tackle problems head-on, overcome adversity, and move on with their lives.
Mrs Schneekloth
Week 8 News!
Thank you for all the donations of playdoh and utensils. We had so much to sell! Also thanks to those of you that helped out with the fete. It was a great evening!
This week we will be completing our science assessment which involves answering questions about our sunscreen experiment. I will also start Initial Lit literacy testing. This will involve the students recalling "tricky words," the names and sounds of letters, and reading and writing sentences. The preps created a model of the courtyard last week in preparation for drawing a "treasure map" of this area. As the bushdance is fast approaching we will be fitting in a few practices over the next few weeks.
I will not be in class Monday or Tuesday this week as we will be holding interviews with the 2022 Prep students. Miss V will be taking the class on these days.
Tuesday: Sport
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Learning Breakfast and return home readers
Friday: Pupil Free Day.
Yours in fun and learning,
Sharon McLauchlan
Year 1
Welcome to Week 8!
Here is a snapshot of our week ahead;
English and Media Arts: This week we are continuing to identify and describe characters and settings in different types of texts. Using media arts, we will make and share our character profiles using story principles.
Mathematics: We are learning to identify 2D shapes and 3D objects. This week we are using the terminology such as vertices, edges and faces to identify and describe 3D shapes.
Sport: Tuesday
Library: Thursday
This week Year 1 is on assembly, it will be straight after the learning breakfast on Thursday morning. It will be dedicated to Father’s Day, we would love for our fathers and grand fathers to join us.
Show and Share: There will be no show and share for the next two weeks.
Have a great week,
Miss Brock and the always fun Year 1’s
Year 2
Week 8! 2 weeks to go!!
Our baby chicks are doing very well and are now down at the chicken coop during the day!
We are also learning about:
Tricky words: minutes, great, these
English: Procedural texts
Maths: Multiplication and Division
We are looking forward to seeing our loved ones at our learning breakfast on Thursday morning!
Wednesday is PE day
Thursday is Library day
Have a great week,
Miss Ansell
Year 3
Hi everyone!
Thank you to those parents who assisted with our bottle stall at our Fete last Friday! It was a great evening and I hope you all had fun.
The learning highlights for Year 3 this week are:
- In Maths we finish our unit on fractions by using number lines to order fractions from smallest to largest and vice versa. We will also start our new unit on chance and data, which is our last unit for Term 3!
- In English we will plan, draft and write our book review. Students will choose an informative text and write a book review outlining their thoughts and judgements about the text, including the author’s use of images and vocabulary.
Homework and home readers were sent out on Monday. Please let me know if you haven’t received these.
Library: Wednesday
PE: Thursday
Pupil free day on Friday!
Have a great week ahead.
Miss Coombs
Year 4
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to Week 8! We have another busy and short week coming up.
Father’s Day- For our Father’s Day craft students will need to bring in a photo of their dad. We just need his head so we can cut it out in a circle with a diameter of 3cm. If it is easier, just send a digital copy then I can enlarge it to the correct size. Don’t forget that Thursday is the last day for students this week, so could we please get these in by then.
Cooking- This week for Health we will be making a stir fry with our delicious looking broccoli, chinese greens and sugar snap peas. We will be making this on Wednesday so the students might not need as much lunch.
Science Excursion- Notes have been sent out today for this excursion. Could you please sign and return these ASAP.
Fete- A big thanks for all the donations of lollies and chocolates for our stall. Also, thanks to the students that came and helped out on the night!
Mrs Wall
Year 5
Welcome to Week 8.
Can you believe we are nearly at the end of the term?! Time flies when you are having fun!
This week we will begin most of our assessment items:
ENGLISH: Students are writing a personal response to an Australian poem.
MATHS: Students are working through their patterns and algebra assessment and working through our money and financial mathematics unit.
SCIENCE: We will be creating an informative poster about a feature of the solar system. This will be accompanied by a small test covering the rest of our content for this term.
DESIGN: Students will come up with their own healthy menu items for a burger joint.
A huge thank-you to those who supplied bottles for the fete! Your assistance was greatly appreciated.
No school this Friday!
Learning breakfast is this Thursday morning.
Enjoy your week!
Miss Campbell
Year 6
Welcome to Week 8!
This week’s learning focuses are:
Religion: Students have explored the interior and exterior features of a synagogue and are using Minecraft to build their own.
English: We will be writing our scripts/informative texts about federation before making the video presentations.
Maths: This week, students are finalising their learning of operations with decimals and percentages.
HaSS: Students will be structuring their learning about the road to federation into appropriate body paragraphs and making a timeline of events.
Science: Students will be completing the final parts of their scientific report and completing their research task.
Health: We will be finalising our flood-resilient houses for the ‘Get Ready QLD’ challenge.
Have a great week ahead!
Mr. Delaney and the Year 6 legends
Subject Spotlight - Religion
7&8: The students have been working hard this term, moving through 2 units of work. We have successfully completed our learning on Christian Communities, past and present and are now into our new unit focussing on experiencing prayer. The students have explored traditional, formal prayers in the Catholic faith and are now participating in a range of meditative prayer styles including Ignatian Meditation and Lectio Divina.
Year 9: The students successfully completed their unit on Healing the Heart and learned the importance of the Catholic Social Teachings. We have started working on our new unit, ‘What’s the Meaning of this’ where students will apply biblical criticism to a range of scripture texts to help the understanding and interpretation of the meaning of these stories.
Miss Lovett
Student Awards
Congratulations to our Students of the Week for Week 7!
Indigenous Literacy Day
Dear Parents/Carers,
This Wednesday the 1st of September, St Joseph’s will be celebrating Indigenous Literacy Day. Students will be able to participate in a lunchtime virtual event for all Australians called Celebrating Stories and Language. The event will be presented by dynamic performer and author Gregg Dreise, with a special guest appearance by Australia’s favourite pop singer Jessica Mauboy. This screening will be held in the Library from 11:10am to 11:30am.
Yours in Faith and Education,
Louise Martin
Indigenous Education Teacher
Rock Pop - Updated times
There are now 2 practices a week.
This ensures each group has their routine complete & polished, ready for the big show!
Both groups will run Tuesday & Thursday afternoons from 3-4pm. We will all meet under the Mary MacKillop shed to begin with and then move to our designated space/s.
The students are doing SO well with their practice, it’s been great to see. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact Miss Lovett.
Casual Employment Opportunties
We are seeking casual School Officers and qualified Teachers to cover sick and leave days.
For more information please contact our office.
Teaching staff will need to apply here > https://tceo-portal.applynow.net.au/jobs/TCE679-supply-teacher-registration-2021
Community Notices
Advertise your Community Event or Notice here!